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Evenings & Weekends Consulting is a values-driven consultancy.

We're committed to advancing equity, justice and social change through ongoing collaboration with community, non-profit organizations, grassroots groups, charities, activists, academics and local leaders.

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We collaborate with nonprofits, charities, activists, local leaders, community groups, academics and policy makers to advance progressive change and drive social impact.


Evenings & Weekends Consulting team
members have hands-on experience
working within and leading an array of
community and nonprofit organizations.

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Evenings & Weekends Consulting supported our team through our first strategic planning process and effectively and efficiently captured our dreams, visions and actions for the future. Their approach is unique in the consulting world as they centre justice, equity, diversity and inclusion in everything they do and they do so from their lived experience and passion, which truly sets them apart.


Be rest assured that Evenings & Weekends Consulting will hold you accountable to your commitments and help you realize the pathway towards a more just society.

Program Director, Future North

Nicole Minialoff



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Land Acknowledgment

We acknowledge that the sacred land that we live, work, dream and rest on is the traditional territories of the Wendat, Haudenosaunee, Anishinabeg, Mississaugas of the Credit and Attiwonderonk. We believe that reconciliation and mending relations with First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples is our collective responsibility, which requires ongoing reflection and action.

© 2024 Evenings & Weekends Consulting 

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